A place to sell and make Tote bags spunbond bags, canvas bags, calico bags, jute bags, rucksack bags, calico bags, canvas bags and various souvenir bags and bags for promotional purposes at cooperative events and events, bank offices, private offices and government offices

Bali spunbond bag is Indonesia’s premier natural bag supplier and supplier of operational supplies and equipment for the hospitality industry capable of manufacturing high quality products for every budget. Designing and manufacturing exclusive and quality natural bags for the hospitality industry since 2010.

Made In Order Tote Bags Canvas, Calico Bag, Jute Bag And Anykinds of Bag Custom Logo For Shopping Bag, Souvenir Bag And Promotion

Let us create something truly unique for your company in your Resort, City Hotel, Restaurant, Villa or Spa.
Established in 2010 as Bali spunbond bag, we have built a reputation as a professional and reliable supplier of various bags made from calico, burlap, canvas and Spunbond to the worldwide hospitality industry. We are expert in creating perfect branding on your company and we have designed and produced even created ideas of various types of natural exclusive bags which are customized without prejudice to the exact requirements of our discerning clients, which include 5 star luxury resorts, hotels, villa complexes private, cafe, Michelin restaurant and spa. Located in Bali, Bali spunbond bag utilizes the diversity of natural local materials as well as the wealth of talent from our skilled local artisans to design and produce a wide range of beautifully crafted, creatively made natural-based bags for the hospitality industry at exceptional value.